Lace-Evans Productions in association with Purple Doors Productions presents the London transfer a new tragi-comedy...
Sara is living in denial. After losing her mother, Sara is convinced that her mother has been reincarnated – as a red squirrel named Gerald. Sara is on a mission to protect her furry ‘mother’ at all costs. Enter highly strung sister Saskia, alongside her quirky fiancé Mark, to celebrate the first anniversary of their mother’s death. A quiet remembrance quickly spirals into a whirlwind of sibling squabbles and squirrel shenanigans, but when a jaw-dropping secret is revealed, things go from bad, to worse, to catastrophic!
Yes, We’re Related, a new dark comedy written by Florence Lace-Evans, directed by Fran Davies-Cáceres (Heartstopper, Netflix).
Fresh from a smash-hit run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024, with backing of Soho Theatre Labs, Yes, We’re Related makes its’ West End debut, taking sibling grief and chaos hand in hand!
Get ready to laugh, cry and say, “YES! WE”RE RELATED!”.
This production is partnered with Sue Ryder Charity “because no-one should face grief or death alone”.
Support us!
We are so excited to bring this project to life but we need your help to take it there! If you think you may be able to help us we would love to hear from you. By donating to our project, you'll be supporting the arts and helping us bring this hilarious show to life. We have many reward packages available for our supporters, click the link below to find out more
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